The web should be a platform that helps people and provides a net positive
social benefit. As we continue to evolve the web platform, we must consider
the consequences of our work. This document sets out questions for
specification authors, reviewers, and implementors of new web platform
technologies to answer as part of a critical assessment of the impact of their
This document is an early draft and does not reflect the consensus of the TAG.
## Introduction {#intro}
The web platform has a broad global reach, and is used for a huge variety of
different purposes. The architecture of the web platform increases in
complexity with each new feature added, and it is difficult to predict how a
change in one place may impact other feature designers or end users in
another. New features, and additions or changes to existing features, should
bring benefits to end users of the web, and avoid doing harms.
The questions in this document are to help specification authors as they think
through the impacts implementations of their features may have, both in the
immediate scope of their work, as well as more widely. The questions encourage
the reader to think about perspectives other than their own, as well as to
think about worst case scenarios.
Many things are not used in the way their creators intended them, which can be
very positive or very harmful. Whilst specification authors can't be held
responsible for every possible future implementation, in contexts which may
not even exist today, it is important to think critically about technologies
which have the potential to directly and indirectly affect large numbers of
This is particularly important as the web's reach means it can have an
amplifying effect on social phenomena. Technology which provides a threat or a
benefit to a small number may result in a wider society where the same threat
or benefit is commonplace, when the technology is available as part of the web
These questions are an accompaniment to the [[[ethical-web-principles]]],
intended to help specification authors and reviewers to think more concretely
about the ethical implications of particular specification features.
## Questions to consider {#questions}
When answering the questions in this document, we encourage you to discuss
the data or feedback you are collecting about the impact of your technologies,
and how you can use this to improve benefits to users or mitigate harms caused.
Consider what you would measure in order to evaluate the impact your technology
is having, and what you would change if the results were not desirable. If you
already have processes for measuring impact, summarise these here as well. Note
that not everything can (or should) be quantified, and that data collection
itself can have a negative societal impact; ensure that in measuring your
impact, you are not putting people at risk.
### What kinds of activities do you anticipate your specification becoming a critical part of? {#critical-part}
Think about the use cases of stakeholders currently engaged in work on the
specification, as well as potential implementors in the future. Is this
something that may be used by citizens as part of their interactions with
governments? Will it be used in workplaces or schools? Is it more applicable
to a niche community? Is it something that a person might run on a device they
carry with them (like a mobile phone or e-reader) or something that runs on a
device in the home (like an internet-enabled fridge)?
In this context, if access to the features in your specification become
unavailable, what problems might this cause to end users? What mitigations do
you have in place?
### What kinds of activities could your specification become a part of that you are not designing for? {#unexpected-use}
Are there other use cases that can be met by your feature(s) that were not
part of your original plans? People who use, build and author on the web
platform can be very creative and use features in unexpected ways. Think
beyond the problems you set out to solve with your specification. How might
they be useful in other problem spaces or ecosystems? Are there any other
groups you could reach out to to discuss this potential further?
### What risks do you see in features of your specification being misused, or used differently from how you intended? {#misuse}
Think about worst case scenarios. Bad actors may try to trick people, try to
inject malware, steal information, track people's activities without their
knowledge or consent, leak information across origin boundaries, game people's
consent, surveil people. If one or more of the parties involved in an
implementation of your feature(s) are bad actors, who can they exploit and
how? Explain any mitigations you have in place in your specification, and in
the wider ecosystem.
Next think about possible use cases that may be completely different from the
problems you set out to solve when designing your feature(s). How does the
threat model change? What unexpected consequences could arise?
### Can users of the Web Platform choose not to use features of your specification? {#opt-out}
What does your specification do from an end-user perspective? What happens if
the end-user doesn't want that? How easy is it for someone to opt out of these
features? What might they lose? Are end-users able to give meaningful consent
to using these features? In what ways can people be coerced into using these
features, for example by a malicious party; through the use of manipulative
design features; through strong social or cultural expectations, etc?
### What groups of people are excluded from using features of your specification? {#excluded}
What steps have you taken as part of the specification to ensure the features
are available to as many people as possible? What additional steps have you
taken / are being taken / will need to be taken in the wider ecosystem to
improve access and inclusivity of these features?
If certain groups are deliberately excluded from using these features, explain
### What effect may features of your specification have on minority groups? {#minority-groups}
Minority (underrepresented) or historically disadvantaged groups may be
different depending on culture, location, or other context. Think about parts
of society who may have trouble getting their voice heard, or their needs
taken seriously; who have faced prejudice and discrimination in the past, or
still do so today.
In what ways might technology built around the feature(s) of your
specification impact groups with these characteristics? Are there any
specific groups who would be particularly impacted? Are there divides in
society which may be widened (or closed)?
Think also about the broader ecosystem in which your feature(s) will be
deployed. What is in place to mitigate negative effects?
### What are the power dynamics at play in implementations of your specification? {#power-dynamics}
As a result of these features, explain which parties are granted additional
power, and which have power removed, and to what extent. In a worst case
scenario, what power imbalances are exacerbated as a result of implementations
of your specification? Parties to consider include the User Agent, device and
software vendors, site authors, users of the Web Platform, intermediaries.
Where is power concentrated in the ecosystem of which your specification is a
part, and do features of your specification increase or reduce that
concentration of power?
What structural inequalities may be reinforced by the ecosystem your
specification is part of, and which may be reduced?
### What points of centralization does your feature bring to the web platform? {#centralization}
Do features of your specification introduce any ways of restricting or
controlling flows of information? Does it make use of any existing gatekeepers
on the web, and does it bring any new ones? If so, what are the benefits and
### How does your new technology open up ways in which people might be surveilled? {#surveillance}
How can people using the web be aware of surveillance and tracking risks
associated with features of your technology? Can you be explicit about how
they know and how they are able to choose to turn tracking on or off? Could your technology be used to
provoke self-censorship, or create a [chilling effect]( on society? How are
bystanders (people who are not directly using the technology) affected? What
societal factors might increase the risk of surveillance? Who else might be
interested in any data you're collecting?
### To what extent do the features in your specification impact the natural environment? {#environment}
Think broadly about how computing technologies may result in carbon
emissions or electronic waste, and the effect that implementations of your
features may have. Measuring the carbon footprint of a particular technology
can be challenging; what are the main things you would need to highlight
if an expert was going to attempt to do so?
What steps have you taken to increase efficiency, or decrease processing
requirements of the devices which will run implementations of your
specification? If applicable, how are you reducing data storage needs on
clientside devices?
Does your specification add features that will encourage or necessitate web
users to update their devices (either software or hardware) to use them?
Consider also the wider ecosystem which your specification is intended to be
part of. Is there anything you can do to mandate or encourage environmentally
sustainable practices within this ecosystem, from the perspective of your
Do features of your specification enable or facilitate interactions
which would have a positive impact on the environment compared with how
similar things are achieved without these features?
### What is the expected lifetime of your specification feature(s)? {#lifetime}
Once something is added to the web platform it is very difficult to remove it.
Are the features in your specification expected to remain stable and relevant
for months, years, or decades? What circumstances would result in a need to
deprecate these features? Do you have a strategy for deprecation, replacement
or improvement? Remember that you may not have control over deprecating or
removing a feature.
### Have you completed the [Security & Privacy Self-review Questionnaire]( {#security-and-privacy}